Dental Botox in Kelowna

Dental Botox Treatment Near You

We offer dental botox treatment in Kelowna as a way to remove age lines and other superficial imperfections. Porcelain Veneers can be quite useful for either cosmetic or therapeutic purposes. It serves as a way to correct gummy smiles, reduce smile lines, manage facial pains, or to stop jaw disorders (like jaw clenching and teeth grinding). Finding a dentist near you who can address these concerns can be a challenge for some, but luckily thanks to our exceptional service over the years, we are happy to welcome you.

dental botox in kelowna

The Scientific Background of Dental Botox Treatment?

Our dentists in Kelowna specialize in offering dental botox treatment. It is important to ask our team a lot of questions when you come in regarding the botox treatment in Kelowna we offer. The following provides ways in which dental botox treatment can be used for in terms of cosmetic and therapeutic purposes:

  • Reduction of Smile Lines : Some patients want the lines at the corner of their lips or either side of the mouth to be less prominent. These lines can be quite visible when a person laughs or makes certain movements with their mouth. Dental Botox can effectively reduce the appearance of these wrinkles.
  • Management of Facial Pain : Our dentists can offer therapeutic dental Botox to cut off the transmission of pain signals to the brain. If you are experiencing any facial pain, Botox can be a great way to manage the pain.
  • Stop Jaw Clenching, Teeth Grinding, and Other Disorders : Botox offers relief from and allows the dentist a chance to address the underlying causes (like stress, a bad bite or a malformed jaw). Dental Botox can act as a treatment and can also provide corrective procedures that target the structures around the jaw.

Main Takeaway from Visiting Our Dentists in Kelowna

Our Kelowna dentists encourage you to ask them about why you might benefit from a treatment like dental Botox. Some people have concerns before coming to see us, but rest assured our team of experienced dental professionals are very knowledgeable with years of experience providing this service. Contact us today to schedule a consultation regarding a dental botox treatment here at dental office in Kelowna!